
Kuva: eQualin kehityspäällikkö Ari-Pekka Saarela
CDO Ari-Pekka Saarela from eQual

Our accessibility champion will guide your organisation towards a new era

The eQual accessibility champion is the perfect choice when you are looking embed accessibility as a core value of organisation and work processes.

The accessibility champion will be responsible in guiding Your organisation through the transition, coordinating each step. They will work in close collaboration with your development team supporting them and ensuring that accessibility is a core-criterion of development.

Want to know more?

Do you have any additional questions about our services or are you looking for an offer on our services?

Book an online appointment using the link below or give us your contact info using the contact form and our expert will contact you as soon as possible.

or get in contact with the form on the right

Other accessibility services

Training and workshops

Hands-on support

eQual Tositestaus™ user testing

Providing a better user experience for a diverse audience thanks to user testing


Automated accessibility monitoring

Accessibility audit

Contact us!