
Our consultants will be there to support You throughout the development process.

Ideally, digital services would be accessible to as many as possible. To realize this goal, accessibility has to be taken into account at an early stage of development, all the way to the maintenance phase. It is always significantly costlier to fix accessibility-related issues at the end of development.

Our consultants will guide Your team towards the adoption of methods and tools that will enable you to craft a digital service that is Truly accessible.
Adopting this work method will save You time and money throughout the development.

Kuvassa Lead UX & Accessibility Specialistimme Timo Övermark

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Other accessibility services

Training and workshops


Hands-on support

eQual Tositestaus™ user testing

Providing a better user experience for a diverse audience thanks to user testing

Automated accessibility monitoring

Accessibility audit

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